We Always Have Lessons TO Learn
AKC Nationals In Orlando
December 11-16, 2018
Lessons Learned…
My final 2018 Canine Adventure Lessons Learned include…
There’s nothing quite like seeing your friends from near and far, especially around the holidays… Unfortunately there’s also nothing like staying out by the convention center – Tourist Central – around the holidays… There are a shit ton of Brazilian steakhouses out here… Electrotherapy devices could very well become my new best friend…. Regional Specialties are so much more fun when your boyfriend is there… Agility and Obedience Chihuahuas Rock!!!… Sometimes you have to prove you have a doppelgänger when you are mistaken for another handler on a live feed… My handling skills are ever-growing and clearly extremely entertaining… Perhaps I missed my calling as a go-go dancer for hire? … I am truly honored to have been invited for an amazing evening celebrating Canines and Cocktails with the Canine Health Foundation… 2019 is going to be a very exciting Figgy Year!!!.. The music in our booth can be maddening… I am very proud to be a part of the Judges’ Education program and helping expand the knowledge on our breed… Equally as proud to exhibit my little man not only in the NOHS Finals but also as a junior dog at the Specialty… Topping off my weekend pride with a Toy Group G1 with our Meet the Breed booth. I couldn’t have accomplished this without the amazing volunteers who helped. Always #TeamChihuahua!!!
OTown OUT!!!!