We Always Have Lessons To Learn
Brooksville Week Two
January 17-20, 2019
Lessons Learned…
Apparently I need a leash… It takes a village to raise the girls… Frost in Florida should be outlawed… It’s a good idea to research local medical supplies stores while on the road… Training for a night out with ma girls = Eatting Carbs!… But… Don’t eat a family of carbs! You will live to regret it!… Boo and Snack have a Fan Club… I have no problem looking like an idiot taking in another person’s dog that won’t walk… It only stings for a second or two and it is so worth it… I can pull off the school girl look… Emma is an awesome gift picker-outer… Wind does your hair good and the accidental slow-mo video mode makes it even better… It has been brought to my attention, it’s Jen’s fault!!! … I want to come back as a fairy… Sometimes you have to look back at your past and smile at how far you’ve gotten.
Week Two Brooksville OUT!