We Always Have Lessons TO Learn
Winter Wonderland Cluster in Perry
November 28 – December 2, 2018
Lessons Learned…
I need a “Professional Lead Holder” badge! I am damn good at that job and dogs love me!… It has been brought to my attention that I become better at darts after alcohol is consumed… I need to learn to share… Had no idea you can buy a title for $25 off the Internet… Go large with your margarita on the rocks… Apparently there are individuals in the dog show world that want to sleep with me… There’s never a dull moment at the Waffle House… Rain AND cold temps suck big time… I could very well be a bad influence on others… It might be a good idea to walk around with a lead in your pocket just in case you find a random bulldog walking around the parking lot at a dog show… Provisional judges can make for an interesting day at the show… and… I really wish the world could get along like the pack of random dogs that played on my bed all weekend.
Now off to Florida where it’s 85 and sunny……
Perry, Georgia OUT!!!