We Always Have Lessons TO Learn
Week Three In Ocala
November 15-118, 2018
Lessons Learned…
Obtaining a wide variety of vests is ideal and rather fashion-forward for showing at outdoor shows… My intuition is spot on. I need to follow my gut more often… Eating a plethora of almonds will clean you out… I am clearly as easy-going as they come!… There’s quite a difference between showing a get-up-and-go Sheltie and a bucking Ridgeback… But then, let’s throw in a Pekingese?!?… We really need to do something about getting cell reception at the Ocala showgrounds!… Apparently I learn foreign languages about as well as I learn how to dance… Sometimes it’s best to just adjust your expectations to avoid disappointment… Being a sandwich maker does not equate to “construction management”… Lapdogs come in all sizes… And boy do I have some amazing friends! Some most definitely more entertaining than others!
Ocala week three OUT!